Use your fingers to count the small things in your life for which you feel grateful. It’s important to keep going until you find ten things, even if it gets harder after three or four. This is exactly what the exercise is for - intentionally bringing you to awareness of the tiny, previously unnoticed elements of the day. Even simple, taken-for-granted pleasures like being warm enough, the flavour of a good cup of coffee, the unconditional affection shown by a pet. Get to ten and you’ll already be feeling better!

The ten-finger gratitude exercise
Granny used to say it, and sometimes traditions really help. Count ten things you really appreciate on your fingers – and don’t give up just because it gets hard after three or four!Maybe counting your blessings is an old-fashioned idea, but gratitude for what is good in your life is not only a positive exercise, it’s one that could surprise you.
Use your fingers to count the small things in your life for which you feel grateful. It’s important to keep going until you find ten things, even if it gets harder after three or four. This is exactly what the exercise is for - intentionally bringing you to awareness of the tiny, previously unnoticed elements of the day. Even simple, taken-for-granted pleasures like being warm enough, the flavour of a good cup of coffee, the unconditional affection shown by a pet. Get to ten and you’ll already be feeling better!
Great tip
Try using a Weleda Hand Cream to gently massage your fingers as you remember your 10 things you are grateful for today.
Citrus Refreshing Hand and Nail Cream 50ml
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